Does the busyness of your life crowd out your time with God and extinguish your spiritual fire (passion)?
I Can Definitely Help You With That. Here's What To Do Next!

Download our FREE Fifteen Minutes of FIRE Worksheet to discover this powerful approach to spending time with God that will start to reignite your relationship with Christ and increase your spiritual passion.
Get the Bring the HEAT Minicourse which is jam-packed with life-changing content easy to use action steps that will show you how to spend time with Christ despite your busy life.
Learn more about our life-transforming program, Keep the Fire Burning, and also register for our FREE Fifteen Minutes of FIRE Mini-Course.
Hi, I'm Dr. Clint. Call me DC if you like.
My greatest desire is for YOU to live and serve Christ with a spiritual passion so that those around you will feel your fire. Romans 12:11 says, "Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord…”
Throughout my journey for Christ, from the beginning to now, people frequently say that I am "On Fire" for Jesus. I am passionate because of the time I spend with Him regularly (not perfectly).
Teacher | Coach | Author | Fire Starter
As a person who juggles family, work, church responsibilities, school, self-care, and the need to sleep every now and then, I know what it is like to struggle with making time to connect with Christ in a meaningful way. If we are not careful, the busyness of life will hinder us from spending with Him and living out His purpose for our lives. As a result, our spiritual temperatures can drop from red hot to ice cold as we gradually drift away from God.
I can relate to the struggle, and it is real!
I've learned how to rise above the barriers and meet with Christ consistently to keep my fire burning while living a demanding life.
When I first trusted Christ, I spent fifteen minutes with Him daily. I prayed for half of the time and read my bible for the other half. My time with Him gradually increased because I loved to be in His presence and saw the difference He makes in my everyday life. I am excited to share this process with you!
Learn more about my process for spending quality time with Christ and growing in Him. I am confident that if you follow this approach, He will ignite your fire afresh and gradually transform your life.

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"Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he...explained the Scriptures to us..." | Luke 24:32